
Is your insurance claim being delayed or denied?

Take Chip Merlin’s short survey and be on your way to getting the insurance company to Pay Up

Chip Merlin's Insurance Survey

Complete the following sentences with the answers that most closely reflect your current situation. Approach all 10 questions with honesty, and remember, there are no wrong answers.

Step 1 of 8

  • If you’ve ever filed an insurance claim, you know how stressful and uncertain it can be not knowing whether you’ll receive your full insurance recovery. With convoluted processes and indecipherable small print, insurance providers have created a system that leaves many claims in limbo, only pays out partially for some, while paying out nothing for others. Without any checks and balances, it can be exceedingly challenging for policyholders to find justice and receive the full value of their policy.

    Chip Merlin has seen this cynical cycle play out firsthand too many times. For over 35 years, Chip and his firm, Merlin Law Group have helped weary policyholders get back on their feet and face-off against bad faith providers. Motivated by achieving justice for his clients, Chip’s work helps people get the benefits they need to move on with their lives after a major claim faster and with more money than if they were left to deal with providers on their own.

    Whether you’re an individual caught in this purposely complicated game or a company trying to gain full recovery and get back to business, Chip Merlin’s expertise and passionate commitment to creating a more fair and equitable insurance landscape is the help you need.

    Take Chip’s short survey to determine whether you could use his help!

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